Creating New Possibilities for the Environment.
We clear entire city blocks, partially demolishing structures still in use, and hospitals and health care facilities, including full demolition packages with environmental remediation, debris removal, regulatory compliance, and detailed cuts in public spaces. We have extensive material processing and crushing capabilities, making recycling is a viable option for our owners and clients. Our Ultra High Reach Excavator enables us to demolish a 10-story building, safely and efficiently.
As Colorado’s Front Range land availability becomes scarce, owners and developers are turning to the redevelopment of existing commercial and/or residential sites. Fiore & Sons, Inc., integrates into its operations a recycling program that maximizes the three main materials used in construction, i.e., concrete, asphalt and steel. We distinguish ourselves from other area contractors in that we have the ability to self-perform demolition, debris removal, recycling, earthwork, final grading, and site/public utilities, allowing owners and general contractors the luxury of working with a single point of contact.